Need an appraisal for an FHA-backed mortgage? Call Fahien Appraisals Inc

We assure you that Fahien Appraisals Inc is an FHA-approved appraisal company in PA. We are qualified and approved to do appraisal reports for FHA secured loans. Part of the ongoing training our staff at Fahien Appraisals Inc receives deals exclusively with decoding the FHA's documentation and their rules and procedures.

Be sure to contact Fahien Appraisals Inc if you need an appraisal done for an FHA-secured loan.

The FHA is the Federal Housing Administration, which is a federal agency in the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) - if your financial transaction is an FHA loan, it means it is underwritten by them. The lender takes care of all the money in the loan; the FHA simply insures the transaction through mortgage insurance in case the borrower does not pay off his or her loan. Available to all consumers, FHA loan programs are built to aid credit-worthy low-income and moderate-income families who do not have the qualifications for conventional loans.

Down payments are often lower with an FHA loan despite using conventional market rates. FHA loan programs are extremely useful to those homebuyers with less accumulated starting capital.